Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Name Storm


Give us your ideas for a name. A funky, designy, memorable, pleasurable, loveable name. Could be relevant or not. Put them in comments and I'll stick them in the next entry.
Winner gets a great sense of personal satisfaction.

I like the idea of some costume bit.

stud, eyelet, bone, cuff, plaid, tiara, trim, untrimmd (shakespearean for no frills?)



Unknown said...

Well, since HOTTIE is already taken....
no, seriously, i think it is obvious:


A sufficient amount of people will mispronounce it before it becomes globally mouthable.

Anonymous said...

I think "Aberline" is totally the way to go. I have fought it for years as I believed it to be far too vain, but really it is perfect cause it doesn't mean anything to anyone!

oh I've forgot my sign on details for this blog...

Anonymous said...

oh... Tigg is it possible for me to post ietms on this blog too?

Tanya said...

yes!! you are a contributor, it says so. just go to your 'dashboard' and log in. try this: http://www2.blogger.com/home