I think it needs
- a cool name.
- a kitch cultish idea
- some quotes on webhosting
- a blog.
Something Beautiful and Useful Inc. brings together a set of resources for digital costume design and theatre arts education It includes a vast searchable library of high quality costume elements, teaching materials and a community-created knowledge-bank. Matthew Aberline, costume designer, lecturer & digital artist is the creator of the database project. Tanya Hart, visual artist and educator, is bringing it all together.
yes a good name is cool but have always totally failed to find one. problem is - it is not just costume designers who will want to use the design tool. I think it will be fashion designers, games designers - really anyone who does digital visualisation of people and fabric - so you'd want a name vague enough to cover a whole bunch of design industries.
I've warmed to "Picture-It" or "Design-It" or "Picture-This" but I'm not sure if they're taken or not. Someone said once I should just have a 'means nothing' name like apple or orange. I thought just about calling it aberline for a while.
It desperately desperately needs a name. I've been caling it "my computer project" for so long that that I think I may have become autistic...
People are going to want to come to and use the website as it will make their life easier. It hlps formualte their design ideas and gives them tools to communicat etheir ideas in a clearer, more professional way. Also, the industry is still very much in tranistion - coming to terms with digital technology - and I think many people are still looking for solutions that work for them. The best part about the website is that is designed by working designers - so I it has a intuitive usefulness.
I don't think we need a gimmick as such to get people to keep coming back to the site - I think we just keep creating beautiful work which we update in a public way every few days and the users can download this work for their own refernce material - or to incorporate into their own illustrations. I've alway thought it needs to have a very vital, constantly evolving feeling.
By the way, I'm listening to some cool Beth Orton remixes (yes I bought them) and will send you one for your listening pleasure.
Webhosting - what a fucker...
Problem is - we need a system that can handle users searching through and downloading many thousand image files. We still have barely just started and we could easily be around 10,000 images. (Although we'd want to cull that down to just really good quality ones but you get the idea.)
Other problem - each object on the database is extremely subjective in how you name it and I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life doing keyword entry ie: stripe, striped, stripes, stripey,
I always tried to come up with an OBJECTIVE system but i don't think I've found it yet. The last bit of thinking was a human figure template (a bit like a toilet door person) where the limbs and torso are actually buttons and the user would select which part of the body the garment would objectively cover. For example, if you were looking for kneepads - you would just select the knees - but if you were looking for hot pants you'd just select the bottom part of the torso and the top of the legs... I'm not sure how this would work for garment components (like ruffles and draped fabric) as they don't follow the same rules and I'm not sure how this would work for human models either...
I think work needs to happen on two fronts:
1. solving the publishing system - getting the work out there are accessible in some form online
2. Content creation and examples of work. I think this needs to be my part time job until Sleaze Ball - where I'd photo at Hero a few half days a week and do the image editing and illustrating a few afternoons a week.
I'm totally fatigued and worn out by part 1, I just keep running into wanna-be-alpha-males who think the project sounds great and say they'll support it but never actually do.
Totally excited about part 2 - want to get Katerina Stratos (Moulin Rouge! asst designer) to work with me on my scheherazade book. Though we'd create about 40 test illustrations and then see if we could shop it around and get some interest. Also after mardi gras sitting in front of teh computer editing images sounds like a good time.
Part of me thinks part 2 is the way to proceed - that if we get interest in that product - it might be easier to publish the system oline afterwards but...?
Remember the Irving Penn work of Issey miyake - that fabulous white space with those amazing images? That's really how I want it to feel. That's who I want to be - beautiful inspirational images floating in an empty creative space.
Why don't we just call it SAM?
In the mean time I'll send you some illustration now and then some image resource files later today when I get back home.
The Closet
The Designer's Closet
Designer Closet
The Clothing Resource
The Clothing Database
Fabric Factory
how about i do 1 and you do 2? all at the same time.
There are many affordable web hosting companies out there that are terrific for the beginner. These can be perfect companies for you, but you should be aware of the differences between versus paid. With a host you are obligated to their terms, their specific templates, they usually place their own ads on your web pages and you do not get your own domain name (www. Whatever you want. Com). These hosts perfect for the person looking to create a hobby and not earn any money with their website. If you are serious about earning an income with your website then you definitely should purchase your web hosting. People/customers will take your much more seriously if you have your own domain name because they’ll know that you are serious about your business.
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